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Submission Form for
Drs. Koudinov eForum
On Cholesterol Neurobiology, Synaptic function, plasticity,
and Alzheimer's disease
launched on November 15, 2001, the
last day of 31st SFN meeting in San Diego, CA
and Conditions:
eForum aims to facilitate free and unlimited scientific exchange on the
subject of cholesterol neurobiology, brain function, synaptic plasticity,
neurodegeneration and the role of lipids in synaptic function, plasticity
and neurological and psychiatric disorders.
agree to have your contribution published at Drs. Koudinov eForum as soon
as you will confirm your submission by e.mail.
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under discussion. Please review other people's eForum
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case you have any financial/professional affiliations that may be perceived
as a conflict of interest please describe those affiliations after your
response. We aim open and unbiased discussion. Therefore, readers must
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case you prefer to contribute to the discussion of the subject of this
eForum at official ClinMed Netprints BMJ web site please proceede
here. Please note that in this case your response will be associated
with our article published at ClinMed on
November 27, 2001.
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Thank you very much for your contribution!
Be sure that it will help
the scientific community to advance the research on brain lipid chenistry
Site Design and Programming © Alexei Koudinov, 2001.
Created: November 15, 2001