Koudinov Family Headline News

We are happy
to announce that
on September 7, 2001 
at 2:05 am 
at the Holy City of Jerusalem Anastasya A. Koudinova 
was safely born 
at Mount Scopus 
campus of 
Hadassah Medical Center. 
Nastya's birth weight 
was 4 kg (8.818 lb) 
Just born: the weight is 4 kg sharp

Giving-birth schedule took total three hours and included one-hour late night pilgrimage drive to Jerusalem from Rehovot.

You may wish to call Natalia [   Cell Inter: (972 55) 26-48-23, Israel: (055) 26-48-23 ] or send a   guestbook letter

Mom and daughterHard life beganWelcome Nastya: September 7, 2001, 2:05 am Jerusalem timeDady and daughterMay God and the Holy Land bless them

First minutes of Nastya's life are documented above.  Few snapshots of the second and the third days of her life are represented below. Point on a picture to read notes. Click on any picture to open it full sized in the separate window

First meeting with Yvan, Nastya's brotherFirst day is over and life is not bad: 8 September 2001Nastya welcome home: back from the hospital - 9 September 2001Nastya is just back home from the Hospital: 3 pm September 9, 2001

Follow right arrow in a full size photo album to see other pictures of Nastya and most recent updates.

It's a pleasure for us to have you here at this WEB pageLet us know you personally: drop a message in a guestbook mailboxThis young man went to school for the first time on September 2, 2001

Alexei, Natalia and Yvan Koudinov
September 7-9, 2001, Rehovot/Jerusalem

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Site Design and Programming © Alexei Koudinov, 2001. Page created: September 7, 2001